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NSA leaks, mail tampering, quantum computing and clemency? 1/4/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the Obama administration's application to renew the bulk collection



    The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the Obama administration's application to renew the bulk collection of telephone metadata for another 90 days on Friday afternoon.

    The approval will give the administration time to review the 46 recommendations on how to reform the National Security Agency a White House-appointed panel made in December.

    Two federal judges have handed down conflicting rulings on the constitutionality of the NSA's bulk metadata collection program in recent weeks, and the Justice Department filed an appeal of one of those rulings - the one that said the program is "likely unconstitutional" - on Friday.

    Meghan Lopez talks about the latest NSA developments with RT web producer Andrew Blake and political commentator Sam Sacks.

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  • # NSA leaks
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