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Think The (FBI) Is About 'Law Enforcement'? Guess Again 1/11/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "The FBI's creeping advance into the world of counterterrorism is nothing new.

    But quietly and without notice, the



    "The FBI's creeping advance into the world of counterterrorism is nothing new.

    But quietly and without notice, the agency has finally decided to make it official in one of its organizational fact sheets.

    Instead of declaring "law enforcement" as its "primary function," as it has for years, the FBI fact sheet now lists "national security" as its chief mission.

    The changes largely reflect the FBI reforms put in place after September 11, 2001, which some have criticized for de-prioritizing law enforcement activities.

    Regardless, with the 9/11 attacks more than a decade in the past, the timing of the edits is baffling some FBI-watchers.

    "What happened in the last year that changed?" asked Kel McClanahan, a Washington-based national security lawyer.

    McClanahan noticed the change last month while reviewing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the agency.

    The FBI fact sheet accompanies every FOIA response and highlights a variety of facts about the agency.

    After noticing the change, McClanahan reviewed his records and saw that the revised fact sheets began going out this summer.

    "I think they're trying to rebrand," he said.

    "So many good things happen to your agency when you tie it to national security.""* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # FBI
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