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Firing Squads Save Money Claims Bloodthirsty (Republican) Lawmaker 1/19/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "A Wyoming lawmaker is pushing to allow use of the firing squad to execute condemned state inmates if constitutional



    "A Wyoming lawmaker is pushing to allow use of the firing squad to execute condemned state inmates if constitutional problems or other issues ever prevented the state from using lethal injection.


    Bruce Burns, R-Sheridan, said Monday that state law currently calls for using a gas chamber if lethal injection is unavailable.

    "The state of Wyoming doesn't have a gas chamber currently, an operating gas chamber, so the procedure and expense to build one would be impractical to me," said Burns, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

    *Read more here from Ben Neary / AP:


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