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Guess Which Healthcare Program LOTS Of (Republicans) Are Starting To Love 2/1/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "If President Obama wants to spend much time tonight on health care, he'll be able to make a much stronger case than



    "If President Obama wants to spend much time tonight on health care, he'll be able to make a much stronger case than he could have just a few months ago.

    Neither side of the aisle will be able to get as worked up over Obamacare as it might like.

    Republicans surely wish this speech would have happened in October, when the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov knocked the White House on its heels.

    And Democrats surely wish the law was more popular, given how much political capital the party laid down to pass it.

    The reality is somewhere in the middle.

    Right now, Obamacare looks like a modern-day Scorsese movie--not as good as it could have been, not bad enough to walk out of.

    It hasn't lived up to Obama's promises, nor has it lived down to Republicans' dire warnings.

    It's ...


    "I would say it's mixed, but about as mixed as I would expect it to be," said Larry Levitt, senior vice president for special initiatives at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

    The good news for the White House is that Obamacare is getting stronger every month."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # Republicans
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