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The (First Lady) Announces New Hiring Commitments 2/10/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category White House

    Published on Feb 10, 2014



    The First Lady delivers remarks at a National Symposiu


    Published on Feb 10, 2014



    The First Lady delivers remarks at a National Symposium on Veterans' Employment in Construction, hosted at the US Department of Labor.

    This event brought together the construction industry, government leaders, and education professionals to celebrate hiring commitments throughout the construction industry and address the employment challenges and opportunities of America's transitioning service members and veterans.

    As construction careers grow over the next decade, America's veterans can help fill the need for skilled workers.

    During this symposium, the Labor Department's Veterans' Employment and Training Service and Employment and Training Administration concentrated on sharing state-of-the-art best practices during a series of roundtables and workshops.

  • # First Lady
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