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UFOs in Space - The biggest Secret in History

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category NASA And UFO'S

    UFOs in Space - The biggest Secret in History.

    All movies are real, recorded by Astronauts, Cosmonauts and Space Shuttle Cams.

    What objects in space can change


    UFOs in Space - The biggest Secret in History.

    All movies are real, recorded by Astronauts, Cosmonauts and Space Shuttle Cams.

    What objects in space can change their direction, or even slow down? Discover the best UFO Footage from outer Space! As always you can use the 3D button.

    A Film by fast-geheim.de www.fast-geheim.de ...............................................................................................................

    UFOs in Space - The biggest Secret in History.

    Alle Aufnahmen in diesem Film sind echt, aufgenommen von Astronauten, Kosmonauten und Space-Shuttle-Kameras.

    Welche Objekte im Weltraum können ihre Richtung wechseln oder sogar das Tempo drosseln? Entdecke die besten Aufnahmen von UFOs im Weltraum.

    Wie immer auch in 3D.

    Ein Film von fast-geheim.de

  • # nasa and ufo/'s
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