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NASA: Biological UFOs, Extraterrestrial Extremophiles. Life in Space.

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category NASA And UFO'S

    Cosmology.com Are UFOs biological life forms? Here is evidence from NASA.

    Life (extremophiles) can survive in almost any environment; why not outer space? This


    Cosmology.com Are UFOs biological life forms? Here is evidence from NASA.

    Life (extremophiles) can survive in almost any environment; why not outer space? This film footage, from NASA, depicts what are commonly called "UFOs", as well as "space junk." However, some of this "junk" displays purposeful behaviors and physical morphology which is often identical to simple life forms on Earth.

    In this film, comparisons are made between these "UFOs" and simple life forms, and the evidence indicates that some UFOs and "space" junk, appears to be alive.

    A film by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

    http A 20 page scientific report on these discoveries can be obtained and read for free at: Cosmology.com Let us consider the few facts available: 1) Astronauts could see these objects outside the space shuttle--traveling along side the shuttle 2) Astronauts used binoculars to observe the structures at a greater distance away--they could be seen by the naked eye, but they used binoculars to get a close up view.

    3) When the tether was viewed with a deep field lens, there were tens of thousands of these structures, some smaller, some similar in width to the the teather.

    4) When the tether was viewed close up, objects of all sizes could be viewed; and many of these objects were semi-transparent.

    5) When the tether is viewed close up, there are very large objects and the entire field is filled with millions of very tiny objects which must be very far away.

    6) Many of these objects must be huge in size 7 ...

  • # nasa and ufo/\'s
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