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See how too NEVER PAY illegal income taxes again 3/14/14 (fraud)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on March 14, 2012


    Never fill out a 1099 tax return, it is a scam, and illegal.


    on the

    Published on March 14, 2012


    Never fill out a 1099 tax return, it is a scam, and illegal.


    on the

    W4 bank contract that must be signed in order to work, (not by law),..!! claim "9" Dependents !! Sign "Nothankyou", (in cursive) and have NO assests in your name, almost nothing in your personel bank account, and move your money QUARTERLY from banks to credit unions and/or gold/silver/seeds in a hidden safe.

    !! Remeber !!,

    Dont close your bank accounts, simply move your money weekly or monthly to CREDIT UNIONS, or/and hide gold and silver.

    Remember, by law, only gold and silver is money, your income will always be $00.00 as long as you never earned any gold and silver as payment.


    DO NOT attempt this if you are a indep.

    contractor, or in busmess for yourself.

    ALSO, BEcause of fraction reserve lending, for those who are forced to unwittingly FILL OUT A illegal 1099 TAX RETURN, all you have to do is make sure you deposit your checks to any BIG cooperate bank,leave it there, and at the end of the year YOU can claim all the money the bank made, by lending out your money at 9X !!!,.DO TO FRActional reserve lending.

    IT IS ALL LEGAL, just go to the bank and request the statement, THAT SHOWS HOW much the big bank paid in taxes w/ your money, SO YOU WILL GET BAcK THE TAX MONEY, not the big bank.

    My frend got over 28k all legal.


  • # fraud
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