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Crimea crisis to impact united cooperation on (North Korea) 3/18/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Mar 18, 2014




    it's quite a distance from Ukraine to the Korean pe


    Published on Mar 18, 2014




    it's quite a distance from Ukraine to the Korean peninsula...

    yet, experts say...

    geo-politically, the crisis there...

    could have an impact here.

    How exactly?

    Russia's take-back of the Crimea region is expected to spark a rapid shift in the geopolitical landscape,...

    and South Korea could find itself stuck in the middle of a Cold War-era paradigm.

    If the United States and European Union move forward with sanctions on Russia, it may force Seoul to freeze economic cooperation projects with Moscow.

    But one of the most of the significant impacts from declining Russian-American relations would be over North Korea.

    That's according to 38 North, a website run by the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.

    Increased dialogue between Washington and Moscow on the North's nuclear program had helped to push forward issues related to the six-party talks.

    But the recent developments might mean that Pyongyang is less inclined to make diplomatic concessions, especially on denuclearization.

  • # North Korea
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