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$1 Billion in Tax Dollars Fund Bull Shit Religious Educations 3/27/14 (Vatican)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Mar 27, 2014



    because dinosaurs existed before god created earth in six days (God A.D


    Published on Mar 27, 2014



    because dinosaurs existed before god created earth in six days (God A.D)

    (dinosaurs B.C) Meaning God could not have created the earth in A.D because dinosaurs existed in B.C why cant they just pray all day why do we have to pay tax dollars for this crap.

    foolish people, cattle some people were ment to obey, warship, and follow.

    Really sad,

    One billion in tax dollars is funding anti-science religious educations

  • # Vatican
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user I hate the vatican, they hurt our economy, our kids, why do they still not pay taxes, i was really happy to see that German bishop suspended 32 million spent on hookers, mansions, what the fuck man, why go to church, you will never see god your life time, focus on science, space, B.C not biblical king James bullshit A.D wake up America, wake the fuck up