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Caught on cam Mentally disabled man beaten by US police 4/3/14 (Brutality)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category Police Brutality

    Published on Apr 3, 2014


    Caught on cam Mentally disabled man beaten by US police

    words from giovanni@cnnnex


    Published on Apr 3, 2014


    Caught on cam Mentally disabled man beaten by US police

    words from giovanni@cnnnext.com

    Once again crooked cops bringing their problems at home to work,

    tough guy cops said they feared for their live, yet again, they knew before hand he had mental problems, family called the ambulance but cops always show up preventing the ambulance from doing their job, not all cops are crooked, but

    at this rate no one will hire them outside the force, most importantly those 2 cops never went to college.

    70 percent of convicted crooked cops taking the law into their never went to college.

    So they cannot communicate with others, yet they pass a sociological evaluation.

    own hands

  • # Brutality
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