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Giant UFO near the International Space Station August 1, 2012.

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category NASA And UFO'S

    You can see the movement of the object and the transformation of the UFOs.

    This is not the highlight of the Sun and space debris.

    However, it was - you decide.


    You can see the movement of the object and the transformation of the UFOs.

    This is not the highlight of the Sun and space debris.

    However, it was - you decide.

    For more exclusive information on UFOs, visit: xufo.blogspot.com ---------------------- (RUS) Гигантское НЛО возле МКС 1 августа 2012.

    Вы можете увидеть движение объекта и трансформацию НЛО.

    Это не блик от Солнца и не космический мусор.

    Однако, что это было - решать вам.

  • # nasa and ufo/'s
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