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Star Wars: The Battle to Build the Next Shuttle 5/5/14 (NASA)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 5, 2014


    "The Next Space Race" is a journey through the booming business of


    Published on May 5, 2014


    "The Next Space Race" is a journey through the booming business of space exploration.

    The International Space Station is a near zero-gravity laboratory dedicated to scientific research.

    The end of NASA's shuttle program in 2011 left the world with only one way to get there, buy a seat from the Russians.

    NASA is holding a competition challenging private enterprise to build America's next spacecraft.

    Boeing, SpaceX, and Sierra Nevada are all multi-billion dollar aerospace companies competing to win the NASA contract that could cement dominance in the emerging space industry.

    Bloomberg gets rare access to these space pioneers, including a tour of SpaceX with CEO Elon Musk.

  • # NASA
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