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Want to Know the Poisons Being Fracked into Your Water? Tough Luck, North Carolina 5/21/14 (Republican)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 21, 2014


    "Fracking companies won the right to keep secret the chemical cocktails they pump un


    Published on May 21, 2014


    "Fracking companies won the right to keep secret the chemical cocktails they pump underground during shale gas drilling in North Carolina under a chemical disclosure rule approved Tuesday by the N.C.

    Mining and Energy Commission.

    "The public safety standard will help the energy companies protect their secret sauce used in natural gas drilling, but critics said it would also keep residents in the dark about potent chemicals used near local farms and waterways.

    "The rule passed unanimously after nearly three hours of intense debate Tuesday, and it follows more than a year of deliberations that had the commissioners tied up in knots.

    Commissioners sought to appease frightened residents, the energy industry and lawmakers eager to promote drilling for economic development.

    "The rule as passed by the commission is merely a recommendation to the state legislature, which will have final say over fracking standards later this year or next year.

    But as it now stands, the rule puts North Carolina among the states that don't require energy exploration companies to turn over corporate trade secrets to government agencies for safeguarding in case of emergency."

  • # Republican
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