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European Union bans import of poultry, eggs from (Israeli) settlements 5/22/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on May 22, 2014


    The European Union bans the import of poultry and eggs from Israeli settlements in the oc


    Published on May 22, 2014


    The European Union bans the import of poultry and eggs from Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem al-Quds.

    The 28-nation bloc has informed Israel of the decision.

    An EU official in Tel Aviv has also confirmed the report.

    The official said the ruling was issued based on guidelines which came into force in January, which ban dealings with firms in Israeli settlements.

    Israel has frequently come under pressure from its Western allies including the EU and the US over its settlement expansions in Palestinian territories.

    The Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

    But Tel Aviv defies calls for an end to settlement expansions.

  • # Israeli
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