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Plug Your (Brain) In For Enhanced Dreaming 5/25/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 25, 2014


    "Scientists have discovered that it is possible to induce lucid dreaming


    Published on May 25, 2014


    "Scientists have discovered that it is possible to induce lucid dreaming in sleepers by applying mild electrical currents to their scalps, a study says.

    Lucid dreaming is when a sleeper recognises they are dreaming and may even be able to manipulate the dream's plot and control their behaviour.

    "The key finding is that you can, surprisingly, by scalp stimulation, influence the brain.

    And you can influence the brain in such a way that a sleeper, a dreamer, becomes aware that he is dreaming," said Professor J Allan Hobson, from Harvard Medical School, who co-authored the paper published in Nature Neuroscience."* Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (TYT University) and Bree Essrig (Pop Trigger) break it down.

  • # Brain
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