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Secret Compartment In Your Car? Go Directly To (Jail) 5/27/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 27, 2014


    "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that police are allowed t


    Published on May 27, 2014


    "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that police are allowed to search vehicles without a warrant.

    Meanwhile, the state General Assembly is advancing a bill to grant police authority to arrest those with "secret compartments" in their vehicles.

    "In a 4 to 2 decision weeks ago, the state Supreme Court decided that police could conduct searches of vehicles based solely on probable cause, or an officer's reasonable belief that the vehicle contained illegal goods or evidence of a crime.

    The new standard puts the state in line with the federal law, which allows warrantless searches of vehicles.

  • # Jail
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