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Mysterious Alien UFO Flys in Front of NASA SCA

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category NASA And UFO'S

    Video shot of an alien ufo craft buzzing the space shuttle carrier as it departed an airport carrying the Space Shuttle Endeavour.

    As the Boeing 747 lifted off


    Video shot of an alien ufo craft buzzing the space shuttle carrier as it departed an airport carrying the Space Shuttle Endeavour.

    As the Boeing 747 lifted off the runaway and began its climb into the sky, a UFO craft races directly in front it.

    This was not the T-38 chase planes that flank the carrier on its flight just off to the side and rear.

    It was an alien craft of great speed passing directly in front of the space shuttle carrier.

    More videos at pickmyvideo.com

  • # nasa and ufo/\'s
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