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  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category NASA And UFO'S

    NASA may have unwittingly recorded UFO, alien battle transmissions involving entities called Archons / extraterrestrials while recording sounds of earth's heli


    NASA may have unwittingly recorded UFO, alien battle transmissions involving entities called Archons / extraterrestrials while recording sounds of earth's helium emissions in space.

    When listening to the below mentioned sound bite , I notice a similarity to white noise in EVP's and decided to see what happens if I process it the same way.

    What I discovered was amazing.

    Go to the NASA.gov , website.(52861main_helium_whistle) WMA sound bite.

    Download and process with sound editing software and you will see for yourself.

    Ancient Gnostic writtings state Archons are a demonic reptilian race, "possibly the same as the Watchers,(Fallen angels) mentioned in the book of Enoch".

    Surprisingly in this recording they are speaking English.

    Some voices sound robotic, like something out of a SCI-Fi movie.

    Other voices sound Angelic and mainly female speaking in song.

    One viewer asked "why would they be speaking English"? "Well I don't know".

    What language are extraterrestrials suppose to speak? The best part is if you're a skeptic you can go to the NASA website download the sound bite into your computer and process it with sound editing software and see for yourself.

    Whether or not this is a Project Blue Beam anomaly or not, I don't know.

    But from my experience that this is definitely a EVP.

    I've tried to clean the background noise as much as possible with the software I have.

    My apologies.

    The first time I posted this video I was unaware that the sound was not working on Youtube.

  • # nasa and ufo/\'s
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