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Americans Agree Get Money OUT Of Politics 6/14/14 (Congress)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 14, 2014


    "A mere 5 percent of voters think most members of Congress have done


    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 14, 2014


    "A mere 5 percent of voters think most members of Congress have done a good enough job to deserve re-election, according to a CBS News Poll released Wednesday.

    While this number has been low historically, 5 percent is the lowest ever recorded in CBS News polls; nearly nine in 10 say it's time to give new people a chance.

    Americans express some cynicism when it comes to participating in the electoral process.

    Three in four think wealthy Americans have a better chance than others of influencing the election process.

    Only 23 percent say all Americans have an equal chance to do so.

    Perhaps for this reason, most Americans (71 percent) continue to think individual contributions to political campaigns should be limited.

    Majorities of all partisan stripes would like to see campaign contributions limited, but Democrats and independents are more likely to hold that view than Republicans.


    Along the same lines, most Americans (76 percent) say that spending by outside groups on political advertising should be limited."

  • # Congress
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