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How Nixon Could Have Ended The Vietnam War Much Earlier 6/15/14 (Republicans)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 15, 2014

    "Did Richard Nixon's campaign conspire to scuttle the Vietnam War peace talks on the eve of the 1968 election


    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 15, 2014

    "Did Richard Nixon's campaign conspire to scuttle the Vietnam War peace talks on the eve of the 1968 election to capture him the presidency?

    Absolutely, says Tom Charles Huston, the author of a comprehensive, still-secret report he prepared as a White House aide to Nixon.

    In one of 10 oral histories conducted by the National Archives and opened last week, Huston says "there is no question" that Nixon campaign aides sent a message to the South Vietnamese government, promising better terms if it obstructed the talks, and helped Nixon get elected.

    Nixon's campaign manager, John Mitchell, "was directly involved," Huston tells interviewer Timothy Naftali.

    And while "there is no evidence that I found" that Nixon participated, it is "inconceivable to me," says Huston, that Mitchell "acted on his own initiative.""* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # Republicans
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