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Want $10K? Prove (Climate Change) Isn't Real 6/26/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jun 26, 2014


    Outraged by the unsavory tactics of climate change deniers, physicist Christopher Keating


    Published on Jun 26, 2014


    Outraged by the unsavory tactics of climate change deniers, physicist Christopher Keating says he'll give $10,000 to anyone who can use the scientific method to prove that human-instigated climate change isn't real.

    Keating has been involved in one way or another with climate change for the past three decades.

    He's been a professor of physics for over 20 years and has taught at the U.S.

    Naval Academy and the U.S.

    Coast Guard Academy.

    He recently issued a bit of a tirade via PRWeb, claiming that climate change deniers are using the same methods as the tobacco industry, and pointing to their claims as evidence

  • # Climate Change
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    Comments (2)
  • number1 user Climate change has been amplified by human activity period,
    • number1 user Lol of course the billionaire brothers will pay anyone 10, 000$ to prove that climate change does not exists, good luck with that, Climate change is real any retard would tell you that, except for G.O.P retards, they are special lol