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Obama Rips (GOP) in Election-year Economic Speech 6/27/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category White House

    Published on Jun 27, 2014


    Blasting the GOP as willfully indifferent to American struggles, President Barack


    Published on Jun 27, 2014


    Blasting the GOP as willfully indifferent to American struggles, President Barack Obama said Republicans have struck down 'every single serious idea' to help the middle class, and he called for 'economic patriotism' a week before July 4th.

    (June 27)

  • # GOP
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user every serious Idea that would benefit the middle class Republicans have shut down, ( 1 ) They said no to raise the Minimum Wage, (2) they said no to Fare Pay, (3) They said no to extending Unemployment so what the fuck are they in office they don't do shit,