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TRUTH About Sex Penis Sizes, Masturbation, & More. 6/30/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 30, 2014


    It's accepted as a truism that we live in a sex-drenched culture.



    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 30, 2014


    It's accepted as a truism that we live in a sex-drenched culture.

    From our pop- and reality-TV stars to our ready access to porn, the suggestion is that, when we're not working, sleeping or feeding ourselves, we're banging, thinking about banging, or watching videos of other people banging.

    Yet the authors of "Don't Put That in There" — both pediatricians and health researchers — dispute this with some cold-shower statistics.

    For instance, despite the widespread belief that young people are hooking up with reckless abandon, Dr.

    Aaron E.

    Carroll and Dr.

    Rachel C.

    Vreeman found that about 57 percent of men and 51 percent of women ages 18 to 24 "have not had sex in the last year," and that "only 36% of men reported having watched at least one pornographic film in the last year," a finding consistent with other studies."

  • # Sex
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