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Proof That You'll Lose Friends When You Fall In (Love) 7/7/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jul 7, 2014


    "A new study carried out by Oxford University in the UK has shown that when


    Published on Jul 7, 2014


    "A new study carried out by Oxford University in the UK has shown that when you find a new love, it comes at the cost of losing two close friends.

    As we all know, when you meet someone new, you have less time on your hands so it makes sense you will have less time for your friends.

    The study shows you actually lose two of these close friends.

    The researchers asked a number of people about their core friendship curcle and how it changed when romance was entered into the equation.

    The findings showed the the core which is usually five people, dropped to three people when the new lover came on the scene."

  • # Love
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