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(Palestine) activists disrupt NY council press conference 7/15/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Jul 15, 2014


    A group of New York City elected officials called a press conference entitled "


    Published on Jul 15, 2014


    A group of New York City elected officials called a press conference entitled "New York Stands With Israel." They held it behind a security fence, on the steps of New York City Hall.

    Outside of City Hall, a crowd of several hundred protesters gathered to denounce Israel's crimes.

    As the press conference went on, the words of the elected officials who support Israel was nearly drowned out by hundreds of people screaming in support of Palestine.

    The crowd waved Palestinian flags, and chanted slogans supporting the Palestinian people's acts of resistance.

    One of the protesters said she is disgusted with the city council members.

    Nadine Kowals, a young resident of Brooklyn New York, said she felt that by disrupting the City Council press conference, the protesters were speaking for the people of Gaza, who have no voice.

  • # Palestine
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