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Black-Market Charcoal Trade: The Lake That Burned Down A Forest 7/27/14 (Climate)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jul 27, 2014


    VICE News heads into the hills near Lake Enriquillo to see how people whose livelihood


    Published on Jul 27, 2014


    VICE News heads into the hills near Lake Enriquillo to see how people whose livelihoods have been ruined by the lake's unstoppable expansion are now surviving.

    What we find is that many have become involved with the black-market charcoal trade.

    As they cut down and burn trees to make the charcoal — labor-intensive work that isn't very lucrative — they actually contribute to the climate change that probably led to the lake's growth in the first place.

  • # Climate
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