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The Worst (Republican) Spies Ever 7/28/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jul 28, 2014


    Young Republicans were sent to secretly record Democrat meetings and they fail, misera


    Published on Jul 28, 2014


    Young Republicans were sent to secretly record Democrat meetings and they fail, miserably.

    And they got caught

    Republicans in the Senate Seat are afraid that if Democrats win the Senate seat, Republicans wont be able to bribe corporation into giving them money for favors, for instance supporting Israel by sending them 3.9 billion a year for republican votes

  • # Republican
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    Comments (2)
  • number1 user You see whats going on Republicans are so afraid to loose the Senate seat, that they are actually paying young Republicans to spy for them. I guess Israel picked up the tab. NICE TRY BUT WE GOT YOU!!!!! DEMOCRATS FOR SENATE SEAT NOVEMBER. ITS THE ONLY WAY TO BRING BACK DEMOCRACY. OUR PRESIDENT CAN ONLY PROPOSE BILLS TO REPUBLICANS IN THE SENATE SEAT. BUT LIKE ALWAYS THEY REJECT ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH THE MIDDLE CLASS,
    • number1 user NICE TRY BUT WE GOT YOU