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Sen. Leahy introduces stricter (NSA) reform legislation 7/30/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jul 30, 2014


    Not satisfied with existing National Security Agency reform bills, Sen.

    Patrick Leahy (D


    Published on Jul 30, 2014


    Not satisfied with existing National Security Agency reform bills, Sen.

    Patrick Leahy (D – Vt.) introduced Tuesday a more stringent piece of legislation seeking to curb the spy agency’s access to millions of Americans’ electronic data.

    Asking whether “We [the people] are in charge of our own government and not the other way around,” Leahy submitted the bill with the hopes it will win out against the reform efforts already passed, but which many activists consider watered-down and ineffective.

    Ameera David discusses what is different about the Senator’s version of reform with RT producer Tyrel Ventura.

  • # NSA
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user Finally news sanctions on NSA, guess that billion dollar spy satellite has to be limited in space, like the NSA even follows the rule, hell they make em as they go ! They are the law, or NWO !!