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(Protesters) in New York condemn biased coverage of Israeli war on Gaza to FOX NEWS AND CNN NEWS

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Aug 2, 2014


    Despite the rain, well over seven thousand people gathered near Columbus Circle on the up


    Published on Aug 2, 2014


    Despite the rain, well over seven thousand people gathered near Columbus Circle on the upper west side of Manhattan to protest Israel's crimes.

    The protest began in front of the headquarters of CNN, a news agency that Palestinian-American Mohammed Hamad says is functioning almost like a public relations department for Israel.

    The march proceeded toward FOX news, a network that activist Sara Flounders says has a history of promoting militarism and aggression.

    The crowd was diverse including, many youth.

    New Jersey Student organizer Meghan Brophy, said she sides with the Palestinians against Israeli's crimes.

    A counter-protest of Israel supporters was much smaller, with less than a hundred people.

    The march from CNN to FOX news was escorted by a huge number of police officers, who often forced the crowd out of the street, and onto the sidewalk.

    The protesters say they are planning another rally on August 9th, where they will symbolically march to the United Nations, demanding that it step in to protect the human rights of the Palestinian people.

  • # Protesters
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