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Why No One Is Getting Married Anymore? 8/4/14 (Marriage)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Aug 4, 2014


    "Marriage rates have fallen dramatically in most major European countries over the p


    Published on Aug 4, 2014


    "Marriage rates have fallen dramatically in most major European countries over the past decade, as austerity, generational crisis and apathy towards the institution deter record numbers of young people from tying the knot.

    The number of weddings has fallen to historical lows in France and Spain and has tumbled in other Catholic countries such as Italy, Ireland, Poland and Portugal, according to national and European data.

    But people have also fallen out of love with marriage in countries as varied as Greece, Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands and Britain.

    Only in parts of Scandinavia, the Baltic republics and Germany is the institution retaining its allure."

  • # Marriage
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