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Journalist accuses Comcast of censoring pro-(Net Neutrality) articles 8/7/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Uploaded on Aug 7, 2014


    A journalist with an African-American news website is accusing Comcast of censoring an enti


    Uploaded on Aug 7, 2014


    A journalist with an African-American news website is accusing Comcast of censoring an entire article he wrote that was critical of the proposed changes to net neutrality regulations.

    News One, which is owned by Radio One and is connected to Comcast through a business deal, removed Lee Fang’s article at the request of the president of an industry interest group that thought the article treated the issue, and by proxy Comcast and his own organization, unfairly.

    An immediate online backlash is now underway, as RT’s Lindsay France reports.

  • # Net Neutrality
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