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Activists confront NYC mayor over killer cops 8/8/14 (Brutality)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Aug 8, 2014


    A flying squad of activists from New Yorkers Against Bratton confronted Mayor Bill de Bla


    Published on Aug 8, 2014


    A flying squad of activists from New Yorkers Against Bratton confronted Mayor Bill de Blasio as he left the Preschool Nation Summit in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood August 5.

    They chanted, "Hey, hey De Blasio! Bratton has got to go!" and “Justice for Eric Garner!”

    Democrat De Blasio swept to victory last year on his reputation as a progressive and campaign promises to end stop-and-frisk racial profiling.

    But once elected, his appointment to head the NYPD was Bill Bratton – the architect of stop and frisk under arch-racist Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the 1990s.

    As police rushed De Blasio into his SUV, protesters loudly demanded that he fire racist New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and end his "broken windows" policing style that racially profiles Black, Latino and other New Yorkers of color.

    It was type of occupation-style policing championed by Bratton that led to the NYPD murder of African American father of six Eric Garner by illegal chokehold in Staten Island.

    Police claimed they went after Garner because he was allegedly selling individual cigarettes.

    "Mayor de Blasio is appearing at this summit to talk about early childhood education," said one activist parent.

    "But what kind of education is he giving the children of New York when his police kill their parents and family members?"

  • # Brutality
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user Its ok to kill African Americans because district attorneys pretend to indite NYPD crooked cops then tell the commissioner and Mayor to tell the press how scared the NYPD is always fearing for their lives . what about Latinos, and Blacks, we have to worry about getting killed by the crooked NYPD every day. Yes there are good cops but they get over shadowed by the Crooked pigs just look at how many Crooked cops just keep walking free,