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(Social Security) scheme will have to declare bankruptcy 8/13/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Aug 13, 2014


    Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the Portrait of Uncle Sam aging horribly in the base


    Published on Aug 13, 2014


    Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the Portrait of Uncle Sam aging horribly in the basement of Fort Knox and on the real economic data charts while flouncing around the world as if a spritely and handsome young thing.

    In the second half, Max interviews Nick Lambert and David Irvine of MaidSafe about reinventing the internet with proof of resource and decentralization

  • # Social Security
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user Social Security scheme will have to declare bankruptcy. wow imagine you get pension and the statistics are half of what you were told to expect, You cant trust the government because its controlled by greedy politicians. Is there even any money in Fort Knox any more ?