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US bombing in (Iraq) is all about oil and money 8/15/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Aug 15, 2014


    An American Political analyst says the United States is trying to cultivate the impressi


    Published on Aug 15, 2014


    An American Political analyst says the United States is trying to cultivate the impression that its forces are in Iraq “on a rescue mission” but what it is doing in Iraq is all about oil and money.

    On Thursday, US President Barack Obama said US forces broke the siege of Izadi Kurds by ISIL terrorists in northern Iraq.

    Thousands of Izadis were trapped on Mount Sinjar without food and water after fleeing the advance of ISIL.

    They were at risk of dying from dehydration and starvation atop the mountain as militants had vowed to kill them if they descended.

    Danny Schechter, an editor of Mediachannel.org, says the United States is trying to cultivate the image and impression “that we’re there on a rescue mission, we’re trying to save people who are beleaguered.”

    However, “in the case of these people, just last week it was reported that” the ISIL militants have killed hundreds of Iraq’s Izadi Kurds, “they buried some alive, they took women as slaves,” Schechter told Press TV in a phone interview on Thursday.

    “The human rights minister of Iraq was furious, calling it a vicious atrocity” but US media reports said that “no independent confirmation was available of an event that could increase pressure on Western powers to do more to help,” added Schechter.

    “Then, there’s this story about ‘we’re going to save these people on the mountaintop.’ After saying repeatedly no US troops will be sent to Iraq, there will be no boots on the ground, etc., now guess what? US troops are being sent and are in Iraq,” he pointed out.

    Despite repeated assurances from the Obama administration that it would not put boots on the ground in Iraq, The Wall Street Journal has reported the White House is considering deploying US ground forces to the crisis-hit country.

    Also on Tuesday, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that President Barack Obama has approved the deployment of 130 more “military advisers” to northern Iraq.

    “This is more of the same that we’ve seen in Iraq and other places; the United States only intervenes to rescue and save people where the good guys are on the white horses to save humanity but when it comes down to the facts of it that’s not what we’re doing,” Schechter said.

    He added that the real reasons behind “having American bombing in the north” of Iraq is to protect parts of the country “where the oil is.”

    “This is what it’s about.

    This is what it’s always been about: oil and money.

    That’s what’s going on here

  • # Iraq
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