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Why (Republican) Gov. Rick Perry Got Indicted A Must Watch 8/16/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Aug 16, 2014

    Gov Rick Perry has been Indicted.

    ''Grand jurors charged Gov Rick Perry, 64, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree


    Published on Aug 16, 2014

    Gov Rick Perry has been Indicted.

    ''Grand jurors charged Gov Rick Perry, 64, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, and coercion of a public servant, a third-degree felony.


    Rick Perry indicted by Texas grand jury Texas Gov.

    Rick Perry indicted on two felony charges Counts stem from veto threat The Texas governor, a potential 2016 presidential candidate,

    On this week's Webcast Extra, Jeff Zeleny of ABC News discusses the seriousness of the Grand Jury Indictment charge against Texas Governor Rick Perry

  • # Republican
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user rosemary put people behind bars, now she is behind bars, stupid Republican bitch