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(Protesters) rally in Washington to slam US police brutality against minorities

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category Police Brutality

    Published on Aug 25, 2014


    Hundreds of protesters marched and chanted their way through DC’s downtown blocking traff


    Published on Aug 25, 2014


    Hundreds of protesters marched and chanted their way through DC’s downtown blocking traffic in protest at US police brutality against minorities.

    The mass demonstration comes two weeks after black teenager Michael Brown was fatally shot by white police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.

    For some, Brown’s murder is a paradigm of long-standing mistreatment of minorities by US police.

    Sabrina Reed got emotional explaining how shocked she was by Brown’s death.

    The protest lasted longer than two hours with activists giving speeches about police mistreatment of black people in their communities.

    There have been several protests this week over Michael Brown’s murder at the hand of police.

    Here in DC’s Chinatown area protesters are expressing outrage over police over-aggressiveness, brutality, and militarization of police departments.

  • # Protesters
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