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Anglo-Saudi terrorist apparatus continues to fund (ISIS) 9/5/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Sep 5, 2014


    The United States and Britain “created” and “massively armed” the ISIL terrorist organizat


    Published on Sep 5, 2014


    The United States and Britain “created” and “massively armed” the ISIL terrorist organization, says Michael Billington, the Asia editor for the Executive Intelligence Review.

    It’s been very well known by the US Intelligence Community that ISIL, also referred to as ISIS or IS, was created by “British and United States operation in Syria,” Billington told Press TV in a phone interview on Wednesday.

    ISIL Takfiri militants “were massively armed through US-British operations, using Qatar and Saudi Arabia as cut-out” during the foreign-backed war on Syria in past three years, Billington said.

    “Many military and intelligence sources in the United States have made clear that the IS was created by our arming of them and that they continued to armed and controlled by Saudi Arabia,” he added.

    Billington urged the nations around the world to unite with the governments in Syria and Iran in order to “crush this hideous, disgusting” terrorist group.

    A former Pentagon official has revealed that US President Barack Obama ignored the increasing threats posed by ISIL for at least one year despite being given detailed intelligence about their advancements.

    The former official, who asked not to be identified, told Fox News that Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the ISIL terrorist group as part of his daily briefing before the group seized large parts of Iraq and Syria.

    The ISIL terrorist group released a video on Tuesday showing the beheading of Steven Sotloff, a US journalist who was held hostage by the militants.

    Sotloff, 31, had appeared in a video released by the group last month that showed the beheading of another American journalist, James Foley.

    The group had threatened to kill Sotloff next.

    The group has carried out much more atrocities against the people of Syria and Iraq.

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