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Syrian (media) slam Arab “green light 9/9/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Sep 9, 2014


    Syrian media are criticizing the Arab League for agreeing to US attacks inside Syria under


    Published on Sep 9, 2014


    Syrian media are criticizing the Arab League for agreeing to US attacks inside Syria under what the dailies are calling a new false pretext.

    Some Syrian dailies accuse the Arab governments of giving Washington prior agreement for military action against the ISIL militants.

    They say Washington used a false pretext to attack Iraq in 2003 and is now returning to the region using a similar ploy.

    The criticism comes ahead of talks in Saudi Arabia between the US and its regional allies to tackle the threat of the ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

    On Sunday, the Arab League pledged to take needed measures to confront the ISIL, and said it is ready for international cooperation on all fronts.

    The US and its regional allies have been fanning the flames of insurgency in Syria where the ISIL grew in number and power.

  • # media
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