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(ISIS) funded by allies, no threat to US 9/14/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Sep 14, 2014


    ISIL is “not a threat to the United States” because Washington can always ask its allies


    Published on Sep 14, 2014


    ISIL is “not a threat to the United States” because Washington can always ask its allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar to defund the terrorist organization, a political commentator says.

    “ISIL is not a threat to the United States.

    [If] they wanted to eliminate ISIL they would just tell Saudi Arabia and Qatar to stop the funding, and the mercenaries that work for ISIL would go home.

    They don’t work for free,” said Art Olivier, former mayor of Bellflower, California, in an interview with Press TV on Thursday.

    ISIL militants, some of whom were trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to fight the Syrian government, control large parts of Syria's northern territory.

    The group sent its fighters into neighboring Iraq in June, quickly seizing vast expanse of land straddling the border between the two countries.

    In recent weeks, US officials have been sending mixed messages on the severity of the threat ISIL poses to the homeland.

    The Obama administration elevated ISIL as “enemy number one” for the United States late in August after the terrorist group beheaded an American journalist in Syria on camera – which was followed by another beading in two weeks.

    The authenticity of the videos, which triggered intense reactions from US officials, however, has been disputed by many.

    “Anybody that has watched the actual videos,” said Olivier, “knows that it’s not true.”

    “What they do in those videos is they take the prisoners and put a really short haircut on them and put them in orange jumpsuits… They do this because it tells the American viewers this is a prisoner because in America that’s what we do.

    They cut off the hair real short and they put them in orange jumpsuits,” he explained.

    “They did the same thing with the fake beheading of Nick Berg years ago that actually took place in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq when Americans had occupied that prison,” he said, referring to an American radio-tower technician who was reportedly decapitated in Iraq.

    Oliver went on to explain in detail why he believes the recent beheading videos were fake and made by software programs like Photoshop.

    “In these beheadings they have a British executioner who tries to talk in broken English so he can sound like an Arab I guess.

    He rubs the prisoner’s neck with a robber knife, you see it go back and forth, just no blood coming out of the neck and then they fade to black.

    Now it makes no sense of course for a real terrorist that is trying to terrify people to fade to black before they cut a person’s head off.

    They would want you to see that,” he continues.

    “Then they show a body with a head standing on the back.

    The body and the head are from two different pictures that they overlay into the existing background.”

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