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President Obama on (Net Neutrality) 10/10/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category White House

    Published on Oct 10, 2014


    President Obama talks about his position on Net Neutrality and preserving the Internet as


    Published on Oct 10, 2014


    President Obama talks about his position on Net Neutrality and preserving the Internet as we know it.

  • # Net Neutrality
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    Comments (2)
  • number1 user The main problem is likely to be cost. Net neutrality sets a minimum quality level for Internet service and there is a certain cost to provide that level of service. If you can't afford that then you don't get any Internet access at all.
    • number1 user Net Neutrality will hurt the middle class people with websites, blogs, this is an attempt by Republicans to force small business website owners to quit what they are doing and join the soup line,