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Papantonio: Jeb Can’t Distance Himself From Train Wreck Brother

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    provided by cnnnext.com
    The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convention is in Washington D.C.

    this week.

    And, as expected, Jeb Bus


    provided by cnnnext.com
    The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convention is in Washington D.C.

    this week.

    And, as expected, Jeb Bush has taken center stage.

    But there are growing concerns among conservatives that Jeb just isn’t conservative enough, that he’s too much of a political insider, and that he’s part of ‘the establishment.’

    Concerns like those pushed Jeb to proclaim last week that he is his own independent man.

    But is he really? Is Jeb Bush a fresh new Republican face, or just a carbon copy of his brother, with the same kind of ideas that will doom this country?

    America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, guess hosts RT’s The Big Picture, and discusses this with Richard Eskow, senior fellow with the Campaign For America’s Future.

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