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Government Shutdown Crisis Averted... For Now

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    The Young Turks discusses the looming shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security over debates of the DHS budget in the U.S


    The Young Turks discusses the looming shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security over debates of the DHS budget in the U.S.

    Senate and the House of Representatives.

    Both Republicans and Democrats continue to debate the budget of the Department of Homeland Security, threatening a shutdown due to lack of funding if an agreement could not be reached.

    The Republicans in the house continue to block the budget leading to what some are calling an unnecessary risk to the United States' security.

    The budget continues to be blocked as it is part of a bill that has controversial parts written as per President Obama's immigration policy.

    The DHS has had its funding extended until the end of this week while the debate continues."

    Should both parties work harder to avert a shutdown of a government department? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

  • # Government
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