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Largest Exoneration Suit Awards Only $9.2 Million After 22 Years Behind Bars

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Mar 10, 2015
    "A D.C.

    Superior Court judge ordered the District government Friday to pay a record $9.2 million


    Published on Mar 10, 2015
    "A D.C.

    Superior Court judge ordered the District government Friday to pay a record $9.2 million in damages to Kirk L.

    Odom, 52, who was wrongfully imprisoned for more than 22 years in the rape and robbery of a woman in her Capitol Hill apartment in 1981.

    The amount, set by Judge Neal E.

    Kravitz, is the second — and largest — award in a case tried before a District judge under the District’s wrongful conviction law, which was approved in 1980.

    It also is one of the largest non-jury awards in an exoneration case in the United States.”*


  • # Innocent# wrongfully imprisoned
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