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Republican Senators Face Backlash Over Letter To Iran

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics


    Earlier this week forty-six United States Senators sent out a letter threatening Iran that despite what happens during current



    Earlier this week forty-six United States Senators sent out a letter threatening Iran that despite what happens during current nuclear negotiations, the Senate will never ratify any treaty that they didn't like.

    This was seen as treason by some and was widely regarded as a bad move.

    Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the letter saying it was intentionally trying to sabotage the talks.

    President Barack Obama was just short of face palming and stated in a tired by annoyed tone that despite what these senators had tried to pull that nuclear negotiations would continue.

    Republicans also gave their voice, condemning the letter.

    Despite the backlash Senator Tom Cotton, the writer of the letter, continued to defend the letter.

    He called for a move for a better deal, referencing the recent speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States Congress."

    Was this letter a good idea? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

  • # Republican
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