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More countries announce plans to join China-led regional development bank

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Mar 28, 2015
    Russia, Australia and the Netherlands have become the latest three countries to decide to join the Ch


    Published on Mar 28, 2015
    Russia, Australia and the Netherlands have become the latest three countries to decide to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

    The bank is seen as a rival of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Asian Development Bank which is dominated by Japan and the U-S.

    The institution has drawn a cool response from the U-S but several European countries including Britain, France, and Germany have already announced they will join the bank.

    Brazil has also confirmed it will also sign up to become a member.

    The bank is expected to focus on supporting infrastructure projects across Asia.

    Other nations will still be able to join the bank, but only as common members.

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