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Female Teacher Obsessed With 11 Year Old Girl

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Mar 30, 2015
    "The level of what police in Pittsburgh are calling an 'obsession' that a female teach


    Published on Mar 30, 2015
    "The level of what police in Pittsburgh are calling an 'obsession' that a female teacher harbored for her 11-year-old student is clear.

    The teacher, Geraldine Alcorn, 28, allegedly encrypted her phone number on the girl's math homework, exchanged thousands of text messages with her and even talked of running away with her, according to media reports.

    Yet, police doubt there was a sexual motive behind the well-liked teacher's alleged obsession, according to WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh, which reports:

    "Police don't believe Alcorn's attraction to the girl was sexual, but say she continued to leave gifts and letters for the girl at school, even after resigning."

    The station quotes one Pittsburgh parent, Frank DeMarco, whose daughter also had Alcorn as a teacher, as describing how Alcorn related to young students on their level."

  • # student# obsession# Teacher
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