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The Rand Paul Store Is Totally F**king Hysterical

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Apr 7, 2015
    host of The Young Turks discusses Rand Paul and his store that is based around his 2016 presidential


    Published on Apr 7, 2015
    host of The Young Turks discusses Rand Paul and his store that is based around his 2016 presidential campaign.

    "Of course Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul's campaign store is a thing.

    Showing that the internet is a well of things that never cease to amaze, the store sells hoodies, sandals, and t-shirts so ironic it makes hipsters look like nine to five office workers standing around the water cooler discussing what's new with that whole sports thing.

    The store is more about capturing the attention of the ADD digital millennial generation than turning an actual profit.

    Paul has made it consistently his agenda to capture the younger vote, a demographic that statistically votes democrat if they can be bothered to get off Facebook and go outside to interact with a real person at all."

  • # Republicans
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