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Justice Served In Police Brutality Case

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category Police Brutality

    Published on Apr 11, 2015
    "The shocking video images captured on the side of the Santa Monica Freeway quickly went viral.


    Published on Apr 11, 2015
    "The shocking video images captured on the side of the Santa Monica Freeway quickly went viral.

    It showed a California Highway Patrol officer repeatedly punching a black woman, Marlene Pinnock, seemingly with no provocation.

    As outrage grew, Pinnock's outspoken attorney Caree Harper was at the center of the story.

    She decried the officer's actions, demanded justice for her client and rallied community groups to Pinnock's defense.

    Harper ended up securing a settlement in which the officer resigned and the CHP gave her client $1.5 million.” *

  • # Police Brutality
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