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Why Couldn't Ted Cruz Join Military?

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Apr 12, 2015
    The Young Turks discusses Ted Cruz and his regret that he never joined the military.



    Published on Apr 12, 2015
    The Young Turks discusses Ted Cruz and his regret that he never joined the military.

    "Consistent smarmy smile generator and Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz was asked recently if he had ever considered joining the military in an interview with John Harwood of CNBC.

    He stated that he had considered it but that he had decided to go to college instead, stating that his not serving was something that he always regretted.

    Would you vote for Sen.

    Ted Cruz for President of the United States? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

  • # Ted Cruz# Republicans# GOP
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